Support Grumble’s health care and recuperation expenses

Please donate to support Grumbles’ health care and recuperation expenses. Grumble has been cooking with Seeds of Peace for decades. His cooking has provided nourishment and community building for social movements across the country. Also for 30 + years, he has been involved in countless direct action campaigns to protect mountain tops, roadless wilderness, sacred sites, and for justice and liberation for all peoples and the planet.

He’s donated his time, kitchen skills, blockade expertise, and his endearing grumbling for free and now needs support from his community–us. We are trying to raise $10,000. Please donate whatever you are able to help him with some time sensitive health care expenses. 

Share this link with your networks and if we meet our goal soon, Grumble has promised to share a video of the current dance routine he’s been working on (right grumble?)

Thank you!

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